Not Allowed
I. The usage rights granted under these terms are limited to personal use only as explained above. Any other use outside of a personal use requires a commercial license specific to the use.
I.I. Any use by a company or a freelancer requires a commercial license.
A commercial license is required for any use of a font involved in a product, service, advertising, branding, etc, with the aim of profit, directly or indirectly.
A commercial license is required BEFORE any commercial use.
II. The fonts available for download for personal use on this website are the exclusive property of Youssef Habchi, and so, are protected by intellectual property. In no way a user can gain ownership of a font.
II.I. The user have to make sure that the font is only used within these terms and not made available for any third party.
II.II. These fonts may be available to download on other websites; the origin of the font can not be used as a pretext for any kind of ignorance, there is always a 'READ ME' file included with each font.
III. Youssef Habchi disclaim any warranty of the font software and the font usage. The entire risk may occurring about a font, its use, installation, performance, etc, remains to the user. In no case Youssef Habchi can be held responsible for any damage or issue of any sort on anyone or anything.
IV. By downloading and installing a font, the user has agreed with these terms of personal use.
IV.I. The user is, in no way, supposed to ignore these terms (even for laziness, misunderstanding, incomprehension or indifference).
V. Unlicensed commercial use will result in penalties and/or legal proceedings without further warning.
For a commercial license regularization, the penalties can go up to +300% of the initial amount of the commercial license.